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ZEUS robot platform ZEUS robot platform ZEUS robot platform

ZEUS is an extendable general purpose robot platform. With built-in high-performance SLAMWARE solution, Zeus can work with different applications in varying commercial environments , and there is no need to adjust it to the environment or set it by programing.

ZEUS is an extendable general purpose robot platform. With built-in high-performance SLAMWARE solution, Zeus can work with different applications in varying commercial environments , and there is no need to adjust it to the environment or set it by programing.

ZEUS robot platform With build-in high-performance SLAMWARE solution
ZEUS robot platform With build-in high-performance SLAMWARE solution

ZEUS is an extendable general purpose robot platform. With built-in high-performance SLAMWARE solution, Zeus can work with different applications in varying commercial environments , and there is no need to adjust it to the environment or set it by programing.

Autonomous mapping,
localization & navigation.

No human assistance required

Third-party applications

Open source platform both in software and hardware. Support for extending hardware or develop applications via SLAMWARE SDK

Autonomous recharging

Available for scheduling

Go back to charge station automatically

Cloud remote management

Remote management for registered

Zeus platform based on Cloud services

SLAMTEC service robot platform be used in restaurants SLAMTEC service robot platform be used in restaurants SLAMTEC service robot platform be used in restaurants
ZEUS robot platform be used in shopping malls ZEUS robot platform be used in shopping malls ZEUS robot platform be used in shopping malls
ZEUS robot platform be used in banks ZEUS robot platform be used in banks ZEUS robot platform be used in banks
SLAMTEC robot platform be used in in parks SLAMTEC robot platform be used in in parks SLAMTEC robot platform be used in in parks

Weight: about 50KG

Maximum radius: 325mm±5mm

Height: 703mm±10mm

Battery: 24V, 60AH Li-ion

Network: 802.11 b/g/n, 2.4/5GHz

Core: SLAMWARE solution

Configured sensors: Ultrasonic, cliff, impact sensors,
          LIDAR, Depth camera

Interfaces: Ethernet, Power interface: DC 18-25.2V 10A Max

Switcthes: Power switch, Reset switch, etc.
